PCB 5443

Advanced Ecology - Communities and Ecosystems

Spring 2014

Instructor: Jim Fourqurean, OE 225, jim.fourqurean@fiu.edu.


Literature Reading List




Aikio, S, Rämö, K, Manninen, S. 2009. Dynamics of biomass partitioning in two competing meadow plant species. Plant Ecol 205:129-137

Algar et al 2007. A test of Metabolic Theory as the mechanism underlying broad-scale species-richness gradients. Global Ecology and Biogeography 16 (2): 170-178

Allendorf, F. W., and J. J. Hard. 2009. Human-induced evolution caused by unnatural selection through harvest of wild animals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106: 9987-9994.

Apostolaki ET, Marbà N, Holmer M, Karakassis I (2009) Fish farming impact on decomposition of Posidonia oceanica litter. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 369: 58-64

Apostolaki, E.T., M. Holmer, N. Marba, I. Karakassis. 2010. Metabolic imbalance in coastal vegetated (Posidonia oceanica) and unvegetated benthic ecosystems.  Ecosystems 13:459-471

Ardon, M., J. L. Morse, B. P. Colman, and E. S. Bernhardt. 2013. Drought-induced saltwater incursion leads to increased wetland nitrogen export. Global Change Biology 19: 2976-2985.

Attermeyer, K., K. Premke, T. Hornick, S. Hilt, and H. P. Grossart. 2013. Ecosystem-level studies of terrestrial carbon reveal contrasting bacterial metabolism in different aquatic habitats. Ecology 94: 2754-2766.

Babcock, RC et al 2010. Decadal trends in marine reserves reveal differential rates of change in direct and indirect effects. PNAS

Bascompte J and RV Solé (1996) Habitat fragmentation and extinction thresholds in spatially explicit models. J Animal Ecology 65: 465-473

Barkmann, J., K. Glenk, A. Keil, C. Leemhuis, N. Dietrich, G. Gerold and R. Marggraf. 2008. Confronting unfamiliarity with ecosystem functions: the case for an ecosystem service approach to environmental valuation with stated preference methods. Ecological Economics 65:48-62.

Bartholomew A, Bohnsack JA, Smith SG, Ault JS, Harper DJ & McClellan DB (2008) Influence of marine reserve size and boundary length on the initial response of exploited reef fishes in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, USA. Landscape Ecology 23: 55-65

Bazzaz, F.A. 1979. The physiological ecology of plant succession. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 10: 351-371.

Bianchi, T. S. (2011). The role of terrestrially derived organic carbon in the coastal ocean: A changing paradigm and the priming effect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108, 19473-19481. doi:10.1073/pnas.1017982108

Blamey, L. K., E. E. Plaganyi, and G. M. Branch. 2014. Was overfishing of predatory fish responsible for a lobster-induced regime shift in the Benguela? Ecological Modelling 273: 140-150.

Bloechl, A., S. Koenemann, B. Philippi, and A. Melber. 2010. Abundance, diversity and succession of aquatic Coleoptera and Heteroptera in a cluster of articifical ponds in the north German lowlands. Limnologica 40: 215-225.

Bohn, T., P.A. Amundsen and A. Sparrow. 2008. Competitive exclusion after invasion? Biological Invasions 10:359-368

Bormann, F.H., and G.E. Likens. 1979. Catastrophic disturbance and the steady state in northern hardwood forests. Am. Sci. 67: 660-669.

Bruno, J. F. and M. I. O'Connor. 2005. Cascading effects of predator diversity and omnivory in a marine food web. Ecol. Lett. 8:1048-1056

Bush, S. E., M. Reed, and S. Maher. 2013. Impact of forest size on parasite biodiversity: implications for conservation of hosts and parasites. Biodiversity and Conservation 22: 1391-1404.

Byrnes, J. E. K. and others 2014. Investigating the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality: challenges and solutions. Methods Ecol. Evol. 5: 111-124

Carpenter SR, Kitchell JF & Hodgson JR (1985) Casacading trophic interactions and lake productivity. BioScience 35: 634-639

Chapin, F.S III, G. M. Woodwell,  J. T. Randerson, E. B. Rastetter, G. M. Lovett, D. D. Baldocchi, D. A. Clark, M. E. Harmon, D. S. Schimel, R. Valentini, C. Wirth, J. D. Aber, J. J. Cole, M. L. Goulden, J. W. Harden, M. Heimann, R. W. Howarth, P. A. Matson, A. D. McGuire, J. M. Melillo, H. A. Mooney, J. C. Neff, R. A. Houghton, M. L. Pace, M. G. Ryan, S. W. Running, O. E. Sala, W. H. Schlesinger, and E.-D. Schulze.  2006. Reconciling carbon-cycle concepts, terminology, and methods. Ecosystems 9: 1041-1050.

Chen, H. Y. H., and Taylor, A. R. (2012). A test of ecological succession hypotheses using 55-year time-series data for 361 boreal forest stands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21, 441-454.

Cherif, M. and M. Loreau. 2007. Stoichiometric constraints on resource use. competitive interactions, and element cycling in microbial decomposers.  The American Naturalist 169(6):709-724

Child, MF et al (2010) Tree-grass coexistence in a flood-disturbed, semi-arid savanna ecosystem. Landscape ecology 25:315-326

Clark, J.S. 2010. Individuals and the variation needed for high species diversity in forest trees. Science 327:1129-1132.

Cleveland, C.C., W.R. Weider, S.C. Reed, A.R. Townsend. 2010. Experimental drought in a tropical rain forest increases soil carbon dioxide losses to the atmosphere. Ecology 91:2313-2323

Cloern, J. E. 2007. Habitat connectivity and ecosystem productivity: Implications from a simple model. Am. Nat. 169:E21-E33.

Coetsee, C., E.C. February and W.J. Bond. 2008. Nitrogen availability is not affected by frequent fire in a South African savanna. J Tropical Ecology 24:647-654

Condon, R. H., Steinberg, D. K., del Giorgio, P. A., Bouvier, T. C., Bronk, D. A., Graham, W. M., and Ducklow, H. W. (2011). Jellyfish blooms result in a major microbial respiratory sink of carbon in marine systems Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108, 10225-10230.

Connell, J.H., and R.O. Slatyer. 1977. Mechanisms of succession in natural communities and their role in community stability and organization. Am. Nat. 111: 1119-1144.

Connolly, RM, D. Gorman and MA Guest. 2005. Movement of carbon among estuarine habitats and its assimilation by invertebrates. Oecologia 144:684-691

Corre, MD, Veldcamp, E, Arnold, J, Wright, SJ 2010. Impact of elevated N input on soil N cycling and losses in old-growth lowland and montane forests in Panama. Ecology 91:1715-1729

Costanza, R., R. d'Arge, R. de Groot, S. Farber, M. Grasso, B. Hannon, K. Limburg, S. Naeem, R. V. O'Neill, J. Paruelo, R. G. Raskin, P. Sutton, and M. van den Belt. 1997. The value of the world's ecosystem services and natural capital. Nature 387:253-260.

Costello, D. M., and M. J. Michel. 2013. Predator-induced defenses in tadpoles confound body stoichiometry predictions of the general stress paradigm. Ecology 94: 2229-2236.

Daufresne, T. and L. O. Hedin. 2005. Plant coexistence depends on ecosystem nutrient cycles: extension of the resource-ratio theory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102(26): 9212-9217.

Delgado-Baquerizo, M. and others 2013. Decoupling of soil nutrient cycles as a function of aridity in global drylands. Nature 502: 672-+.

De Mazancourt, C., and M. W. Schwartz. 2010. A resource ratio theory of cooperation. Ecology Letters 13: 349-359.

Dill, L.W., M.R. Heithaus and C.J. Walters. 2003. Behaviorally mediated indirect interactions in marine communities and their conservation implications.  Ecology 84(5):1151-1157.

Doi H, Chang KH, Ando T, Ninomiya I, Imai H, Nakano S. 2009. Resource availability and ecosystem size predict food-chain length in pond ecosystems. Oikos 118:138-144

Edwards, K. F., Klausmeier, C. A., and Litchman, E. (2011). Evidence for a three-way trade-off between nitrogen and phosphorus competetive abilities and cell size in phytoplankton. Ecology 92, 2085-2095.

Ehlers, L. P. W., C. J. Johnson, and D. R. Seip. 2014. Movement ecology of wolves across an industrial landscape supporting threatened populations of woodland caribou. Landscape Ecology 29: 451-465.

Ehrlich, P. R. 2008. Key issues for attention from ecological economists. Environment and Development Economics 13:1-20

Elser, J.J., D.R.Dobberfuhl, N.A. MacKay and J.H. Schampel. 1996. Organism size, life history, and N:P stoichiometry. BioScience 46:674-684.

Estes, J. A., Terborgh, J., Brashares, J. S., Power, M. E., Berger, J., Bond, W. J., Carpenter, S. R., Essington, T. E., Holt, R. D., Jackson, J. B. C., Marquis, R. J., Oksanen, L., Oksanen, T., Paine, R. T., Pikitch, E. K., Ripple, W. J., Sandin, S. A., Soulé, M. E., Virtanen, R., and Wardle, D. A. (2011). Trophic downgrading of planter earth. Science 333, 301-306.


Farber, S., R. Costanza, D. L. Childers, J. Erickson, K. Gross, M. Grove, C. S. Hopkinson, J. Kahn, S. Pincetl, A. Troy, P. Warren, and M. Wilson. 2006. Linking Ecology and economics for ecosystem management. BioScience 56:121-133.

Farrior, C. E., D. Tilman, R. Dybzinski, P. B. Reich, S. A. Levin, and S. W. Pacala. 2013. Resource limitation in a competitive context determines complex plant responses to experimental resource additions. Ecology 94: 2505-2517.

Fourqurean, J. W., J. N. Boyer, M. J. Durako, L. N. Hefty, and B. J. Peterson. 2003. Forecasting responses of seagrass distributions to changing water quality using monitoring data. Ecological Applications 13:474-489.

Galloway JN, Aber JD, Erisman JW, Seitzinger SP, Howarth RW, Cowling EB & Cosby BJ (2003) The nitrogen cascade. BioScience 53: 341-356

Gilbert, B., Turkington, R., Srivastava, D.S. (2009) Dominant species and diversity: linking relative abundance to controls of species establishment. Am Nat 174:850-862.

Hairston NG, Smith FE & Slobodkin L (1960) Community structure, population control and competition. Am. Nat. 94: 421-425

Hansen, D.M., H.C. Kiesbury, C.G. Jones, C.B. Mueller. 2007. Positive indirect interactions between neighboring plant species via a lizard pollinator.  Am. Nat. 169:534-542.

Harvey, B. J., and B. A. Holzman. 2014. Divergent successional pathways of stand development following fire in a California closed-cone pine forest. J. Veg. Sci. 25: 88-99.

Hector, A., Bazeley-White, E., Loreau, M., Otway, S., and Schmid, B. (2002). Overyielding in grassland communities: testing the sampling effect hypothesis with replicated biodiversity experiments. Ecology Letters 5, 502-511.

Heithaus, M.R., Frid, A., Wirsing, A.J., Worm, B. 2008. Predicting ecological consequences of marine top predator declines. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 23(4)202-210

Herbert, D. A., W. B. Perry, B. J. Cosby, and J. W. Fourqurean. 2011. Projected reorganization of Florida Bay seagrass communities in response to the increased freshwater inflow of Everglades restoration. Estuaries and Coasts 34: 973-992.

Hessen, D. O., J. J. Elser, R. W. Sterner, and J. Urabe. 2013. Ecological stoichiometry: An elementary approach using basic principles. Limnol. Oceanogr. 58: 2219-2236.

Hoffmann, F. et al 2009. Complex nitrogen cycling in the sponge Geodia barretti. Environmental Microbiology 11(9):2222-2243

Holmer, M., C. M. Duarte, A. Heilskov, B. Olesen, J. Terrados. 2003. Biogeochemical conditions in sediments enriched by organic matter from net-pen fish farms in the Bolinao area, Philippines. Marine Pollution Bulletin 46:1470-1479

Hsieh, H. Y., Liere, H., Soto, E. J., and Perfecto, I. (2012). Cascading trait-mediated interactions induced by ant pheromones. Ecology and Evolution 2, 2181-2191. doi:10.1002/ece3.322

Huang, Q. X., D. T. Robinson, and D. C. Parker. 2014. Quantifying spatial-temporal change in land-cover and carbon storage among exurban residential parcels. Landscape Ecology 29: 275-291.

Hubbell, S.P. 2006. Neutral theory and evolution of ecological significance. Ecology 87:1387-1398.

Johnson, E. A., and K. Miyanishi. 2008. Testing the assumptions of chronosequences in succession. Ecology Letters 11: 419-431.


Jones, CC, Halpern, CB, Niederer J. 2008. Plant succession on gopher mounds in Western Cascade Mountains: Consequences for species diversity and heterogeneity. The American Midland Naturalist 159:275-286

Ju, S., DeAngelis, D.L. (2010) Nutrient fluxes at the landscape level and the R* rule. Ecological Modelling 221:141-146

Kauffman MJ, Brodie JF, Jules ES (2010) Title: Are wolves saving Yellowstone's aspen? A landscape-level test of a behaviorally mediated trophic cascade. Ecology 91: 2742-2755

Kirk, KL 2002. Competition in variable environments: experiments with planktonic rotifers. Freshwater Biology 47:1089-1096

Kishida O, Trussell GC, Nishimura K (2009 Top-down effects on antagonistic inducible defense and offense. Ecology, 90:1217–1226

Kondoh M (2010) Linking learning adaptation to trophic interactions: a brain-size based approach. Functional Ecology 24: 35-43

Kremen, C. 2005. Managing ecosystem services: what do we need to know about their ecology? Ecology Letters 8:468-479.

Lozier, J. D., P. Aniello, and M. J. Hickerson. 2009. Predicting the distribution of Sasquatch in Western North America: anything goes with ecological niche modelling. J. Biogeogr. 36: 1623-1627.

Lindeman, R.L. 1942. The trophic-dynamic aspect of ecology. Ecology. 23: 399-418.

Luo, Y. et al 2004. Progressive nitrogen limitation of ecosystem responses to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide. Bioscience 54(8): 731-739

Luyssaert, S. et al. 2007.  CO2 balance of boreal, temperate and tropical forests derived from a global database. Global Change Biology 13:2509-2537

Malzahn AM, Hantzsche F, Schoo KL, Boersma M, Aberle, N. 2010. Differential effects of nutrient-limited primary production on primary, secondary or tertiary consumers. Oecologia 162:35-48

Massad, T. J., and L. A. Dyer. 2010. A meta-analysis of the effects of global environmental change on plant-herbivore interactions. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 4: 181-188

Matich, P., and M. R. Heithaus. 2014. Multi-tissue stable isotope analysis and acoustic telemetry reveal seasonal variability in the trophic interactions of juvenile bull sharks in a coastal estuary. J. Animal Ecol. 83: 199-213.

McCauley, S. J., Rowe, L., and Fortin, M.-J. (2011). The deadly effects of "nonleathal" predators. Ecology 92, 2043-2048.

Miller. T.E., J.H. Burns, P. Munguia, E.L. Walters, J.M. Kneitel, P.M. Richards, N. Monquet and H.L. Buckley. 2005. A critical review of twenty years' use of the resource-ratio theory. The American Naturalist 165(4):439-448

Milessi, A. C., D. Calliari, L. Rodriguez-Grana, D. Conde, J. Sellanes, and L. Rodriguez-Gallego. 2010. Trophic mass-balance model of a subtropical coastal lagoon, including a comparison with a syable isotope analysis of the food-web. Ecological Modelling 221: 2859-2869.

Mouritsen, KN & Haun, SDB. 2008. Community regulation by herbivore parasitism and density: Trait-mediated indirect interactions in the intertidal. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 367:236-246.

Mukherjee, A., D. A. Williams, G. S. Wheeler, J. P. Cuda, S. Pal, and W. A. Overholt. 2012. Brazilian peppertree (Schinus terebinthifolius) in Florida and South America: evidence of a possible niche shift driven by hybridization. Biological Invasions 14: 1415-1430.

Mumby, P. J., Steneck, R. S., Edwards, A. J., Ferrari, R., Coleman, R., Harborne, A. R., and Gibson, J. P. (2012). Fishing down a Caribbean food web relaxes trophic cascades. Marine Ecology Progress Series 445, 13-24.

Muniz-Castro, M. A., Williams-Linera, G., and Martinez-Ramos, M. (2012). Dispersal mode, shade tolerance, and phytogeographical affinity of tree species during secondary succession in tropical montane cloud forest. Plant Ecology 213, 339-353. doi:10.1007/s11258-011-9980-5

Murray, M.G., D. R. Baird. 2008. Resource-ratio theory applied to large herbivores. Ecology 89(5):1445-1456

Öckinger E & Smith HG (2008) Do corridors promote dispersal in grassland butterflies and other insects? Landscape Ecology 23: 27-40

Österblom, H., S. Hansson, U. Larsson, O. Hjerne, F. Wulff, R. Elmgren, and C. Folke. 2007 Human-induced Trophic Cascades and Ecological Regime Shifts in the Baltic Sea. Ecosystems10: 877-889

Parr, C. L., and Gibb, H. (2012). The discovery-dominance trade-off is the exception, rather than the rule. Journal of Animal Ecology 81, 233-241.


Pau, D.C.P., K.M.Y Leung and D. Dudgeon. 2008. Experimental dietary manipulations and concurrent use of assimilation-based analyses for elucidation of consumer-resource relationships in tropical streams. Mar. Freshwater Res. 59:963-970

Peckarsky, BL, Abrams PA, Bolnick, DI, Dill, LM, Grabowski, JH, Luttberg, B, Orrock JL, Peacor, SD, Preisser, EL, Schmitz, OJ, Trussell, GC. 2008. Revisiting the classics: considering nonconsumptive effects in textbook examples of predator-prey interactions. Ecology 89(9):2416-2425

Pérez-Matus, A., and Shima, J. S. (2010). Density- and trait-mediated effects of fish predators on amphipod grazers: potential indirect benefits for the giant kelp Macrocyctis pyrifera. Marine Ecology Progress Series 417, 151-158.


Phillips, R. P., Meier, I. C., Bernhardt, E. S., Grandy, A. S., Wickings, K., and Finzi, A. C. (2012). Roots and fungi accelerate carbon and nitrogen cycling in forests exposed to elevated CO2. Ecology Letters 15, 1042-1049. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01827.x

Preisser, E.L., D.I. Bolnick, M.F. Bernard. 2005. Scared to death? The effects of intimidation and consumption in predator-prey interactions.  Ecology 86(2):501-509.

Proulx, R., and L. Fahrig. 2010. Detecting human-driven deviations from trajectories in landscape composition and configuration. Landscape Ecology 25: 1479-1487.

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Ruiz-Halpern, S., S.A. Macko and J.W. Fourqurean. 2008. The effects of manipulation of sedimentary iron and organic matter on sediment biogeochemistry and seagrasses in a subtropical carbonate environment. Biogeochemistry

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Schmidt, J. M., Sebastian, P., Wilder, S. M., and Rypstra, A. L. (2012). The Nutritional Content of Prey Affects the Foraging of a Generalist Arthropod Predator. Plos One 7doi:e49223

Schmitz, O.J., V. Krivan and O. Ovadia. 2004. Trophic cascades: the primacy of trait-mediated indirect effects.  Ecology Letters 7(2):153-163

Schuur, EAG, J Bockheim, JG Canadell, E Euskirchen, CB Field, SV Goryachkin, S Hagemann, P Kuhry, PM Lafleur,, H Lee, G Mazhitova, FE Nelson, A. Rinke, VE Romanovsky, N Shiklomanov, C. Tarnocai, S. Venevsky, JG Vogel SA Zimov. 2008. Vulnerability of permafrost to climate change: Implications for the global carbon cycle. Bioscience 58:701-714

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Ward, S. E., Ostle, N. J., Oakley, S., Quirk, H., Stott, A., Henrys, P. A., Scott, W. A., and Bardgett, R. D. (2012). Fire Accelerates Assimilation and Transfer of Photosynthetic Carbon from Plants to Soil Microbes in a Northern Peatland. Ecosystems 15, 1245-1257. doi:10.1007/s10021-012-9581-8

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Zeeman, Z., Branch, G. M., Farrell, D., Maneveldt, G. W., Robertson-Andersson, D., and Pillay, D. (2013). Comparing community structure on shells of the abalone Haliotis midae and adjacent rock: implications for biodiversity. Marine Biology 160, 107-117.